
Thursday 20 March 2014

the lost backpacker

Knoledge Questions: Learn
Where did Mr Chen go walking? He went to see a waterfall.
What three things did Mr Chen NOT take with him on his walk?Water,food and shelter.
How long did it take for anyone to notice that Mr Chen was missing?   It took three days for them to notice.
It says “Mr Chen declined to elaborate further on his experience Evaluation : Create,  Share your answers on your blog post. What does elaborate mean?

Discovering more information Questions: Learn
  1. Imagine that you are Mr Chen and going for the same walk. Use the Department of Convservation website ( to find information on the Tupapakurua Falls Track that Mr Chen walked.
    • How long (distance) is the track Distance: 11 km                              how long (time) does it take to walk?Time: 4 – 5 hr
    • Who is the track recommended for? The tracks are recommended for professionals  
    • What are the conditions of the track?muddy,slippery and rugged.
  2. Read the Plan and Prepare section.
What two things does it recommend you do before your walk?
  • check weather forecast
  • tell someone about where you're  gonna walk
  • What five things does it recommend you take with on your walk?

  • sturdy comfortable shoes or boots
  • food, and plenty to drink
  • sunglasses and sunscreen
  • first aid kit
  • phone


  1. Do you think Mr Chen was well prepared for his walk?No because he had nothing to eat and nothing to drink. he thought that
  • Why did Mr Chen think it was a good idea to buy a Lotto ticket?He thought that
it was great idea to buy lotto ticket because he said if he was lucky enough to  survive 4 days without any water or food he thought he was lucky enough to win win the lottery to prove his luck.    

  • Why do you think Mr Chen was embarrassed to talk about his experience? Probably people would think that he is a irresponsible person being unprepared for a bushwalk


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